Category Archives: Uncategorized

Het Maritiem District in Rotterdam is een aanwinst rijker: De Coaster, 1 juli 2020

Wilt u Rotterdam op z’n Rotterdamst beleven?

Boek uw vergadering of overnachting dan op onze Coaster!

De Coaster in het Maritiem District

Hartje centrum Rotterdam en relatief toch heel rustig gelegen: het Maritiem District. Hier vind je de erfgoedhavens met vele antieke schepen, de typisch Rotterdamse hoogbouwtorens, diverse musea, de Oude Haven en de hipste en leukste eettentjes & bars. Onze Coaster ligt in het midden hiervan, langs het Wijnhaveneiland aan de Wijnhaven.

Wilt u gewoon een keer op een ludieke wijze overnachten of een bijzondere overnachting cadeau doen? Kies dan voor één van onze Wikkelboats.



Ook benieuwd naar updates over Turtle? Volg hun Instagram account

Turtle is the first online platform where people can easily come in contact with experience experts. Crossing paths between people who understands exactly what the other is going through is no longer a coaccident. By using Turtle people can search very focused in a community of experience experts who are all willing to conversate, help and support.


PG2 Venture Capital sluit participatieovereenkomst met Turtle

Turtle helpt mensen succesvol om te gaan met een mentaal uitdagende periode. We doen dit door mensen te verbinden met anderen die dezelfde uitdagingen, dezelfde problemen, dezelfde littekens ervaren (en hebben overwonnen). Wij geloven dat zo’n connectie enorm veel voor iemand kan betekenen. Want mensen die hetzelfde ervaren of hetzelfde hebben meegemaakt kunnen elkaar werkelijk begrijpen. Wat kan leiden tot inzichten zoals “Ik ben niet de enige”, “Het is normaal om je zo te voelen” en “Ik weet eindelijk wat ik moet doen”. 

Update Maartje van den Brand, 3 oktober 2019

Het klaslokaal is af!

“…Het heeft even geduurd, maar eindelijk hebben we het voor elkaar dat het nieuwe klaslokaal er staat. We gaan hem gebruiken voor de fysiotherapie van de kinderen. Onze dank is groot. 
Warme Groet uit India, 
Maartje en de kinderen”

Maartje redt al 12 jaar kinderen in India: ‘Ik zou maar 3 maanden blijven’

Het plan was: drie maanden vrijwilligerswerk in een tehuis in India met kinderen met een beperking. Maar toen Maartje van den Brand daar aan kwam, is ze nooit meer weggegaan. Onlangs leverde Fleur Groenendijk Venture Capital een bijdrage aan haar Stichting Japthi. Met deze bijdrage renoveert de stichting een klaslokaal in Koni, Zuid India. Lees hier het hele bericht.


Overnachten in een Wikkelboat? 24/9/19

Ook een keertje overnachten in een Wikkelboat in The Red Apple Marina? 

“In 2020 breiden we het aantal Wikkelboats uit en wij zijn nog op zoek naar bijzondere plekjes in stadshavens in Nederland en België. Ken jij een mooi plekje waar we mogelijk kunnen aanmeren? Contacteer ons en als het ons lukt mag je een weekend gratis overnachten daar!”

First impression of Wikkelboat

Only one month left…now a first impression of the inside of the unique Wikkelboat! Thanks to Leon Van Lier, our great designer and producer of some unique handmade art objects in our Wikkelboat. During summer weekends the small room, pantry (with good coffee machine!), bathroom and terrace (with huge luxurous weather proof loungeset) is open for our berth holders and full house can be rented with a 30-50% discount by them as well. Please inform if interested!As our own booking site is not yet available temporarily reservations can be made here:

Geplaatst door The Red Apple Marina op Dinsdag 11 april 2017



Maartje redt al 12 jaar kinderen in India: ‘Ik zou maar 3 maanden blijven’

Het plan was: drie maanden vrijwilligerswerk in een tehuis in India met kinderen met een beperking. Maar toen Maartje van den Brand daar aan kwam, is ze nooit meer weggegaan. Onlangs leverde Fleur Groenendijk Venture Capital een bijdrage aan haar Stichting Japthi. Met deze bijdrage renoveert de stichting een klaslokaal in Koni, Zuid India. 

‘Ik had een enorme oerkracht om die kinderen te beschermen’

Lees hier meer in het RTL Nieuws interview met oprichter Maartje van den Brand.

Of luister zelf naar Maartje’s bevindingen op Radio 1 waar ze live sprak.

Bent u geïnteresseerd? Sindskort geeft Maartje ook lezingen om ook andere doelgroepen – zoals ex-verslaafde jongen – te inspireren naar aanleiding van haar verhaal. Ze spreekt over de kinderen, hoe om te gaan met tegenslagen, de veranderingen en haar eigen motiviatie. 


Traditionele zeiljunk Daring Duck, 25 juli 2019

De traditionele zeiljunk is officieel van Daring Duck. De zeiljunk is één van de grootste traditionele houten zeiljunks van de provincie Fujian.

Naast dat de boot wordt gebruikt als opleidingsschip voor de scouts, kan hij vanaf augustus ook gecharterd worden voor tochten, eventueel met BBQ of thee-ceremony (in Fujian een populaire manier om relaties te bestendigen).

Persbericht over Fundsup, het Nederlandse matching platform voor angel investors en startups, 1 juli 2019


Amsterdam, March 11, 2019

Dutch matching platform Fundsup is a favorite among angel investors looking for startups

Investors and startups are joining Fundsup, a new matchmaking app that links entrepreneurs and investors based on algorithms, in large numbers.

Arjen Strijker, founder of Fundsup

In recent years, more and more investment capital has become available in the Netherlands. Nevertheless, many startups find it difficult to raise smart capital at an early stage. Where can they find the one investor who has the right knowledge and the right network to really help their company in this phase and who’s also willing to (co-)finance it?

For investors, it is often difficult to discreetly find the one startup that aligns with their own mission. The deal flow often emanates from visiting business events and is therefore quite limited. After all, how do you know that you are speaking to the right people at such a startup meeting?

“Business angels are one of the largest providers of external capital during the early stages of the company’s development. In addition to providing risk capital, a business angel also plays a role in mentoring, advising, establishing valuable contacts and other forms of non-financial added value,” says Peter Roosenboom, Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM). “Business angels act more anonymously and there are no solid lists of business angels as is the case for venture capitalists. It’s often difficult for entrepreneurs to get in touch with these investors. By using modern techniques such as matching applications, entrepreneurs and investors can find each other more easily.”

Matchmaking app for early stage investing

This solution is provided by Fundsup, a company founded by Arjen Strijker. The 39-year-old entrepreneur has developed an online matchmaking platform that makes it considerably easier for entrepreneurs and investors to find one and other.

Fundsup works in a similar way to a dating app, only here finding an investment deal is what it’s all about. Entrepreneurs in need of growth capital create an extensive company profile on the online platform, which they can publish after a screening by Fundsup. In this way they can efficiently and effectively bring their company to the attention of a fast-growing network of investors.

The affiliated investors, in turn, can find interesting new deals more easily and anonymously. They can indicate their investment criteria by means of filters. When a new deal is available that meets these criteria, they receive a pushnotification in the Fundsup app. If the investor is indeed interested, he can swipe up to contact the entrepreneur via a chat function.

Anonymously exploring startups while on the go

Although Fundsup only launched its first version in March 2018, more than 2400 new founders have already joined this new technology. Investors are also enthusiastic; 300 players are now active on Fundsup, including business angels, Quote 500 members and other wealthy individuals, private equity houses, government funds and investment clubs.

Founder Arjen Strijker understands the rapidly growing enthusiasm for Fundsup among investors very well. “The next generation investors lead a busy and hectic life, creating a need for a more efficient way to discover interesting deals.

Fundsup is much quicker, easier and more effective than scouring startup meetings. You can now explore startups while in an elevator or on the go, in complete anonymity.”

Over the past 10 years, Strijker has organized more than 65 international events to bring starters and investors together. An app to facilitate deal discovery was a logical next step for him: “To increase the chance of a good match between investor and startup, I decided to digitize the deal discovery process. Many other companies do this on the side, but with Fundsup we have made this our core business.”

Fundsup also offers new opportunities for universities, governments and development companies to support the creation of meaningful connections between founders and investors. Startup incubator YES!Delft has already confirmed that it will work with Fundsup to bring promising startups to the attention of investors.

And at the end of last year, the City of Rotterdam and the regional development company InnovationQuarter also entered into a partnership with Fundsup, in order to find co-investors with specific knowledge and expertise in certain markets. Other regional development companies have also shown interest. Once these collaborations are in place, Fundsup aims to roll out to the rest of Europe. ¨

Experts about the importance of Fundsup:

Jan Geert van Hall, Investment Director YES! Delft: “Deal sourcing for real early stage startups is traditionally a difficult and time-consuming process, which does not always lead to success. For us as incubators, it is simply not possible to organise this efficiently. That is why we welcome initiatives such as Fundsup: it enables us to ‘plug in’ into networks of investors that are relevant to our startups and thus generate a high-quality deal flow.”

Rinke Zonneveld, director of InnovationQuarter: “Despite the fact that we are one of the most active investors in the Netherlands and annually discuss their financing needs with around eight hundred companies, we still notice on a daily basis that it is difficult to find a match between founders and investors. Through Fundsup we hope to build the financing bridge faster.”

Barbara Kathmann, councilor of Economy in Rotterdam: “As a municipality we want to play a role in facilitating meaningful connections between innovative entrepreneurs and investors who can jointly make an impact in Rotterdam. Through our cooperation with Fundsup and InnovationQuarter we can offer entrepreneurs an instrument to present their innovation to investors and we help investors with a better picture of the investment opportunities in Rotterdam. In this way we stimulate the Rotterdam economy and employment.”

Fundsup Fast Facts

Mission: Get the friction out of early-stage fundraising through data-driven matchmaking.

How: an online matchmaking platform for investors and startups

App: iOS and Android

Founder: Arjen Stijker (39 years)

Note for the editors:

Fundsup still has about 200 (of 500) investor accounts available to experience Fundsup for free for 6 months, and founders can still register for free until the end of March 2019. You can register via

For more information and interview requests, please contact:

Alexandra Schott

+31 6248 79290


HQ: Amsterdam

Current number of users: 300 investors, over 2400 startups

Web address: